Do 7 - Fr 8 September

im neuen Berliner Space von


zur zweiten Human Experience & Beyond oder kurz HEX+, der disziplin-übergreifenden Experience Konferenz der DACH Region. Du begeisterst Dich für das Gestalten von Erlebnissen? Dann wirst Du hier Menschen treffen, die für dasselbe brennen. Ob User-, Product-, Service-, Brand-, Employee-, Planet Experience - für eine lebenswerte Welt braucht es uns alle. Human Experience & Beyond: das bedeutet Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellen, Silos überwinden und weiter denken als bisher. Wir werden tolle, inspirierende Speaker erleben. Dazu Diskussionsformate und Workshops, in denen wir uns auf den Weg zu ganzheitlichen und nachhaltigen Erlebnissen machen. Die erste HEX+ war der Start einer inspirierenden Reise, die zweite wird noch vielfältiger, größer und intensiver. Wir lernen zwei Tage von- und miteinander, in einer Umgebung, die Industriezeitalter und WEB 3.0 vereint.


Momentan gibt es noch etwas Bewegung in der Planung, aber 90% des Ablaufes stehen. Die HEX+ ist für den DACH Raum konzipiert. Zum Glück haben wir hier eine bunte Mischung an Experience-Schaffenden und richten uns deshalb auf die flexible Handhabung des Deutschen und Englischen ein. Ganz so, wie das Leben ist. Wenn eine Speech auf Deutsch gehalten wird, gibt es auch Englisches Material dazu.

Tag 1

12.00 - 13.30

Welcome Day 1 & Lunch

13.30 - 14.15

Karel Golta, CEO Indeed Innovation

Dare to design the future we need.

14.15 - 15.00

Bastian Bärenfänger, CEO SIOMO

Human is the next big KPI.

15.00 - 15.30

Coffee Break

15.30 - 16.15

Thomas Weiss, CEO Authentic Vision

The WEB 3.0 experience.

16.15 - 17.00

Sophie Weissenberg, TOP 10 Heptathlon Athlete

How to become world class. Wie man Weltklasse wird.

17.00 - 17.30

Fish Bowl

17.30 - 18.00

Ramp Up Day 1

Tag 2

09.00 - 09.15

Welcome Day 2

09.15 - 10.00

Johannes Fleischmann, Viennese Violonist

The artist perspective on experience.

10.00 - 10.45

Guido Beier, CEO DE3P

77 Human Needs check on sustainability: Which needs inhibit and which stimulate sustainable behavior?

10.45 - 11.15

Coffee Break

11.15 - 12.00

Tim Reusch, Workplace Expert Vitra

Drive change through thoughtful spaces.

12.00 - 12.45

Isabel Skuplik, Mark Hasselmann, DETECON & Bilge Yumurta, Qualtrics

Organization Experience - the interplay between customer and employee experience.

12.45 - 13.30


13.30 - 14.30

HEX+ Panorama & 77 Human Needs Ramp Up

14.30 - 15.00

Feedback & Good Bye


Wir wollen Euch nach und nach die Speaker:innen der HEX+ 2023 vorstellen.

Dare to design the future we need

Karel Golta

CEO Indeed Innovation

Abstract: Finally, with the raise of generative and AI fueled design, also design experiences its job cut transformation. So what? Admits the massive geopolitical tensions and growing climate change impact, there is more to be worried. Right? But, what if radically recoding design would create unprecedented human experiences, changing the future for good? Infused with hard facts, uncomfortable truth and specific and marvelous examples of what is already possible today. Will you dare to be part of a what’s next? 

Bio: Karel J.Golta
Business Romantic, Humane Innovation Advocate, Designer and Entrepreneur

A humane innovation advocate, Karel is on a mission to reverse human impact on the planet by using the power of design to build a more livable future for all life on earth. With the undeniable effects of climate change and major planetary boundaries at tipping points, Karel demands for businesses and innovation to turn their focus from a humancentric model to a planet-centricone in order to preserve not only humanity, but our entire global ecosystem. Astrong believer in boldness and courage, he never does things halfway. The declared business romantic thrives when he is contributing and sharingvisionary ideas with others – whether as entrepreneur, keynote speaker, lecturer or author. As founder of multiple companies and CEO of INDEED Innovation Karel loves to discuss big ideas, poke at rigid thinking, and ultimately unearth previously unrealized possibilities. His topic at heart is that of the Innovation Rebel, where he speaks about the circular economy, behavioral change, Artificial Intelligence and how we all can rebel our legacy to recode innovation - to preserve and repair the global ecosystem.

Drive change through thoughtful spaces.

Tim Florian Reusch

Workplace Consultant, Vitra

Key points:
• New Work - New Spaces?! Take a look into the Club Office.
• Darwinism in Business - How to love the wind as an agile organisation
• Heimat. Belonging is a human need in a volatile world.
• Designing Behaviours - Understanding human needs to drive value creation.

Bio: Tim Florian Reusch sees designing work environments as a holistic project embracing space, time and human. He states that work space development and design can be an effective management tool that brings together social needs and organizational culture. His work today at Vitra includes creating new workplace concepts, analysis of organization, communication and workflows in space, evaluation of space and office strategies, consulting and conceptual planning. Good design leads to a better society! Tim Florian Reusch studied Architecture at the Technical University of Dresden and the Politecnico di Milano, graduating in 2009. During 2008 and 2012 he worked for different architecture firms and also individually. After working in organizational development for lnfinity as an international trainer and coach, he dived into the field of workspace design as a consultant and project lead in Berlin for GRAEF. In 2013 and since he has been at Vitra responsible for the international workplace consulting and is leading the international and Swiss CPS team since January 2020.

Main focus in Tim's work:
• Drive change through thoughtful spaces.
• Don't let the office just remain an office.
• Use the challenges of our volatile world.
• Turn offices and interior spaces into meaningful experiences.
• Communicate culture and sense of work through space.

Über sieben Brücken musst Du geh‘n -
Wie man in schwierigen Zeiten Weltklasse wird.

Sophie Weißenberg

Leistungssportlerin, Siebenkämpferin

In einem Leichtathletik Mehrkampf verändern sich die Anforderungen innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Mal muss man schnell sein, mal ausdauernd, mal mit voller Kraft und mal smooth. Das kommt Dir aus Deinem Job und Deinem Leben bekannt vor? In Ihrem Vortrag zeigt uns Sophie welche Herausforderungen ein Mehrkampf bringt und wie man sie bewältigt. Und wie man dabei auch unter erschwerten Bedingungen den Weg in die Weltspitze schafft.

Sophie ist Siebenkämpferin und gehört in dem, was sie tut, zu den 10 Besten der Welt. Ihre internationale Laufbahn startet mit der Silbermedaille bei den U23 Europameisterschaften 2019 glanzvoll, doch dann wendet sich das Blatt. Statt Erfolgen kommen Corona, Verletzungen, Stagnation, Rückschritte.
2023 ist Sophie wieder zurück in der Weltspitze und arbeitet weiter für ihr größtes Ziel: eine Medaille bei den Olympischen Spielen 2024 in Paris.

Sophie studiert parallel zu ihrer sportlichen Karriere Psychologie an der Universität Köln. In ihren Vorträgen spricht Sophie über ihren Weg in die TOP 10 und Erfolgsfaktoren beim Bewältigen von komplexen Herausforderungen, wie sie ein Mehrkampf in der Leichtathletik stellt. Inspirationen für die Lebensrealität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft sind dabei garantiert, denn in einer VUKA-Welt sind wir alle Mehrkämpfer:innen.

Human ist the next big KPI

Bastian Bärenfänger

In einer Zeit, in der immer mehr digitalisiert, liberalisiert und automatisiert wird, stellt sich neben den enormen Möglichkeiten und Chancen die Sinnfrage neu. Wie ist meine Arbeit heute wertvoll und welche Stellung habe ich innerhalb einer Gemeinschaft, und wie schaffen wir als Individuum, Gesellschaft & Organisation den Sprung von der Industrialisierung in das Digitale Zeitalter und in eine gute Zukunft?

Hallo Neue Welt, Hallo Future Skills!
Die Welt wird immer unübersichtlicher, komplexer – und es wird immer schwieriger, Entscheidungen zu treffen, und wann ist es überhaupt eine gute Entscheidung? „Menschliche Fähigkeiten gewinnen an Bedeutung als Ergänzung zur fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und künstlichen Intelligenz! “ Was heute unter dem Buzzword Soft Skills gehandelt wird, sind in Wirklichkeit menschliche Fähigkeiten & Qualitäten, die wir als essenziell erachten, wenn Sie organisatorischen, sogar gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Wandel ermöglichen wollen. Doch welche Fähigkeiten sind das? Wie kommen wir ins (Gute) Handeln, in menschenzentriertes und innovierendes gutes Handeln? Und wie durchdringen wir gemeinsam die heutige Komplexität? Darauf gibt der Vortrag Human is the next big KPI Antworten und klare Handlungsempfehlungen.

Expert for Soft Skills, Social Intelligence, New Work
Ex-Henkel / Schwarzkopf; Global Head of Business Education und Education Transformation
Ex-L´Oréal; Head of Service & Retail Academy & Head of Product Development Germany & Austria

Dr. Thomas Weiss

CEO Authentic Vision

Bio (EN): Thomas is the CEO and founder of Authentic Vision, an Austrian and US-based company that provides innovative technologies to connect physical products with digital assets and combat counterfeiting. He holds degrees in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering and has an academic background as a lecturer and researcher in the fields of Data Analytics, Web Technologies, and Cryptography.Thomas serves as a co-founder and board member for several companies in the tech, finance, and Web3 industries. As a partner and senior technology advisor at the European accelerator Silicon Castles, he also mentors entrepreneurs on transforming ideas into intellectual property and developing scalable products.

Bio (DE): Thomas ist der CEO und Gründer von Authentic Vision, einem global tätigem Unternehmen, das innovative Technologien anbietet, um physische Produkte mit digitalen Werten zu verbinden und Fälschungen zu verhindern. Er hat Abschlüsse in Informatik und Elektrotechnik und verfügt über einen akademischen Hintergrund als Dozent und Forscher in den Bereichen Datenanalyse, Webtechnologien und Kryptografie.Thomas ist Mitbegründer und board member mehrerer Unternehmen in den Branchen Technologie, Finanzen und Web3. Er engagiert sich zudem als Partner und leitender Technologieberater beim europäischen Accelerator Silicon Castles, wo er Unternehmer dabei unterstützt, Ideen in geistiges Eigentum zu verwandeln und skalierbare Produkte zu realisieren.


Dr. Guido Beier

Managing Director
DE3P Experience & Innovation

Our head says we must act more sustainably, but we often do the opposite. Why? The 77 Human Needs help us to understand this contradiction and to find the right answers. Using examples from our everyday lives, I would like to discuss with you which needs are satisfied by sustainability and which ones are getting in the way of sustainable action. The good news is: where needs collide, the field is wide open for innovative design. There is hardly anything people are more grateful for than a solution to their need conflicts.

Bio: Guido was a steelworker and cook till the collapse of the iron curtain in 1989. He started his career as a Business Psychologist at the Daimler R&D department in 1998.

In 2009 he joined the Design Department of Deutsche Telekom. During his work as responsible for customer research, Telekom Design won over 150 awards. Guido then moved to the HR department at Deutsche Telekom, where he drove the employee experience in the digital age.

Guido developed the 77 Human Needs System as a key to understanding the needs that determine the human experience. In 2017 Guido founded the experience consultancy DE3P - a company to apply and distribute the 77 Human Needs.

Johannes Fleischmann

Konzert Violinist & Artist Director

Born and raised in Vienna, Austria, Johannes Fleischmann epitomizes the young and aspiring artists of this vibrant city. As the “Viennese Violinist” he has developed a remarkable repertoire. His versatility and passion for chamber music are evident in multiple collaborations with celebrated musicians like Julius Berger, José Gallardo, Eszter Haffner, André Heller, Hyung-ki Joo, Sebastian Knauer, Daniel Müller-Schott, Sophie Pacini, Michael Schade, Torleif Thedéen, the „NWCS - Neue Wiener Concert Schrammeln“ and the „Symphoniacs“.Since his solo debut of the Brahms Violin Concerto at the Wiener Konzerthaus Fleischmann has been appointed by the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as ambassador for the NASOM «New Austrian Sound of Music» program.
As a chamber musician, he has shared the stage with numerous celebrated artists and performed in famous concert halls like Wiener Musikverein, Wiener Konzerthaus, the great hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, Philharmonie im Gasteig Munich, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Brucknerhaus Linz, Carnegie Hall New York, Suntory Hall Tokio and the Flagey in Brussels.Fleischmann has been the artistic director of the renowned Palais Coburg Matinee in Vienna since 2018, has curated his own series of chamber music concerts at the MuTh in Vienna (2020-22) and began teaching violin at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna as an assistant to Elisabeth Kropfitsch in October 2020. In 2021, he released his album “EXODUS” (Odradek Records), which has since been nominated for the „Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik“ 2021 and for the „International Classical Music Awards (ICMA)“ 2022. He is the founder and artistic director of the master classes and music festival „Althofener Meisterklassen“ in Carinthia/Austria which premiered in 2022.

Organization Experience – the interplay between CX & EX

Mark Hasselmann

Tribe Lead Customer Excellence, DeteconInternational GmbH

Key Points
• Youcannot think CX without EX
• 6 dimensions that define Organization Experience
• How can we help organizations to create awareness for OX

Bio: Mark is a human centered service provider throughout his whole career. His statement is, that offerings need to be focused on customers’ needs to create a sustainable client relation. This relation can only be built on trust, if there is a win-win situation. Without focus on customers’ needs the principal-agent problem will remain vivid and challenging for professional relationships. No matter if it is in private or professional environment, authenticity must be earned to gain trust for a sustainable relationship. Hence, companies and acting persons need to work on their credibility – internally and externally.

Mark started his professional career after quitting his medical studies in event management leading a small full-service agency. From there he entered media industries and worked for RTL News and as production manager and head of outside broadcasting at PLAZAMEDIA Group. As a Senior Manager for Projects & Strategy at red Bull Media House he moved completely in his consulting role. From inhouse to external consultancy with Canadian IT service provider CGI. At CGI Mark was a Director for Consulting Services and took over responsibility as Product Manager for the development of CGI’s media planning software OpenMedia. Mark is acting as Global Tribe Lead for Customer Excellence at Detecon International since January 2023.

Main focus in Mark’s work:
• Embrace change as possibility
• Foster teamwork and benefit from different perspectives
• Listen to customers
• Support decentral decisions

Unveiling Synergy: The interwoven Insights of CX and EX data in crafting transformative experiences.

Bilge Yumurta

Account Director,Qualtrics

Key Points
• A needed crucial paradigm shift: Analyzing CX and EX data together, unraveling the transformative power
• The role of advanced analytics in deciphering insights from combined data sets.
• Use Cases and real world impact

With an illustrious career spanning more than two decades within the technology sector, Bilge has consistently stood as a driving force catalyzing the digital transformation of major consumer brands. Her journey took a pivotal turn upon joining one of her most cherished brands, Hasbro. It was here that Bilge witnessed firsthand the tangible measurement of experiences. Her insightful grasp of the intricate economies governing communities, experiences, and feedback was honed during her tenure overseeing sales in 22 countries. This immersion illuminated the inherent power of quantifying the intangible. Equipped with an unparalleled understanding of transformative change and brand dynamics, Bilge transitioned to the vanguard of content creation—the epitome of experiential craftsmanship: the video games industry. Amidst this realm, she acquired invaluable insights into the intricate interplay between technology and user data, unveiling the alchemy required to engineer the most potent and immersive experiences. In her current role at Qualtrics, Bilge assumes a pivotal role in guiding enterprises to internalize experiences within their business culture, unlocking the latent potential residing within brands. She orchestrates the fusion of technology, data, and human engagement, forging a harmonious symphony of innovation and human connection.

Bilge journey has traversed the frontiers of economics, experiences, economics, and technological innovation. It is this expansive journey that informs her unique perspective—a perspective that she graciously shares with the world through her endeavors, propelling us toward a future enriched with insights, experiences, and boundless possibilities her Podcast CXUncharted.

Fragen, die wir in der HEX+ diskutieren und voranbringen möchten:

Wie verbinden wir das Erleben von Mitarbeitenden und Kunden zu einer einheitlichen Experience?
Wie können wir Nachhaltigkeit zu einer großartigen Experience für Mitarbeitende, Kunden und alle anderen Stakeholder machen?
Welche neuen Chancen und Challenges bietet das WEB 3.0 für Experience Design - was passiert schon und was wird kommen?

Hier gehts zur Anmeldung.


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Boxhagener Straße 76–78,
Weserstraße 44–45
10245 Berlin

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Teilnahme Konferenz und Party: 275,00 €
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